Sunday, April 19, 2009

Isabella April 17, 2009

8 am - It was absolutely beautiful outside today after two rainy, gloomy days. We told ourselves that it was going to be a great day! Ella did well overnight and a bassinet is ready for her if she does well on the nasal cannula today. We fed her again and I am getting more breastmilk for Ella. We will be back after the 11 am morning rounds to see what the Dr. says.
11:20 am - What a surprise!!! Ella was off of CPAP and had been on the nasal cannula since 9 am and doing great! The tube feedings had been increased and she continued to tolerate them well. If she keeps this pace up she would be upgraded to the bassinet. She was more awake, alert, moving around and showing signs she is ready for breastfeeding by rooting around for the pacifier. As long as she can tolerate 40 ml's of breastmilk and be off of the oxygen for 24 hrs., she could go home on Sunday!
5 pm - Ella is doing AWESOME!!! The tube feedings were increased to 25 ml's and she is on a low level of oxygen. At 8 pm her feeding was increased to 30 ml's and by tomorrow morning they could be at 40 ml's.
8:30 pm - Ella continues to do GREAT!!! She received 30 ml's of feeding and tolerated them well. The nurses have been great! Tonight's was a little rough around the edges at first but was nicer as time went by. She was a little particular about things but she is a nurse and Damian said he can't blame her because, "All nurses are anal. " We will be back in the morning after rounds.
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