Saturday, April 24, 2010

Batter Up!

Aidan's first t-ball game of the season was last weekend. His team, the Giants, play each Saturday through June. Damian is the coach of the team. They are both very excited about starting this together! Here are some of the highlights.

Happy Birthday Isabella!

Time flies! Isabella turned a year old last week. Here are some pictures from her first cake experience.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Our fun day in D.C.

On Saturday we went downtown to meet up with friends from N.J. for the cherry blossom parade. While in D.C. we also checked out some monuments and went to the national history museum to visit the dinosaur fossils. The weather and company were fabulous - it was a great day!

Owen Thomas Szykuc

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter 2010

We had a very special Easter in our family this year! The newest addition, Owen Thomas Szykuc, was born at 2:10 a.m. Easter morning. Therefore, I was in VA beach with my sister, while Damian was here with the kids. We had just finished making Easter cookies, boiling eggs for decorating and were in the middle of an Easter egg hunt with our neighborhood when Alyson went to the hospital Saturday afternoon. After a long labor, Owen was born via c-section weighing in at 7 lbs and 7 ozs. Both baby and mommy are doing very well. While I was gone, Damian did a great job with the getting the kids ready for church and spending the afternoon at an Easter egg hunt and lunch with friends. We hope your Easter was special, too!

Spring Break

We've enjoyed our spring break this past week! We went to the zoo, had special visitors and spent lots of time at the playground and riding bikes!