Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Big kids!

After a really big weekend (Isabella's baptism and Aidan's 4th birthday party) we went to the pediatrician for Aidan's 4 year old visit and Isabella's 9 month old visit. What we learned was that we have really big kids!

At 4, Aidan is weighing in at 43 pounds and measuring over 42 inches. He is in the 90th percentile for both height and weight.

At 9 months old, Isabella is weighing in at 19 pounds and measuring 28 inches. She is in the 65th percentile for height and the 70th percentile for weight. The pediatrician was amazed that she is as verbal as she is - while we were there she said Aidan and up...she also says mama, dada and hi regularly.

People look at me and remark that my husband must be a really big guy - my response is generally not so much. Guess we just have big kids!

Pictures of this past weekend will come later this week!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Bowling with the Ladies

Aidan and I went on a little playdate bowling with a few of his friends yesterday. He had a great time with Catherine and Sabrina. Who would have known that bowling would have been such a hit with 3 year olds!

Christmas morning

Christmas morning started very early when we were thrilled to see that Santa had come and enjoyed the cookies, milk and carrots we left for him and the reindeer. Aidan opened his presents at record speed, while Isabella took her time. The highlight for Aidan was his lego table from Santa - it will also keep his legos off the floor and away from Isabella, who puts everything and anything in her mouth!

After opening our gifts at home, we headed to PA where we celebrated with Damian's family. We had celebrated Christmas with my sister, her husband and my parents earlier that week.

We were busy over the holidays!

Our Christmas Eve was memorable as Isabella made her theatrical debut as baby Jesus. Aidan was a Shepard, while Damian and I were Mary and Joseph.