On Wednesday, we went to the pediatrician for Isabella's 2 month appointment. Weighing in at 13 lbs and 7 ozs, she is off the charts for her weight! She is 22 1/4 inches (50%) and her head is 15 1/4 inches (50%). She has been smiling and cooing more this week. She is also sleeping for about 7 hours each night. She is a wonderful baby and we are loving every minute of her little baby life!
This week started on Sunday when during a family get together, Isabella got to meet a lot of Stephanie's side of the family, including Papa, Stephanie's grandfather. On Monday, we had special visitors from Richmond. Stephanie's college roommate and her children came to visit for the day - we had a great time! On Wednesday, we celebrated Isabella's 8 week old birthday! Lastly, big brother Aidan and little sister Isabella bonded all week with Aidan home from school for the summer. Stephanie heads back to work on Monday, but we know that Aidan and Isabella will take good care of one another (with our nanny, Renata, here as well). What a fabulous week!
On Monday, Isabella and I went on a play date with Gina and Gianna at a local park. After we walked through the park for a while, we played in the grass (or I should say laid in the grass) and enjoyed the beautiful weather. It was a wonderful afternoon!
Over Memorial Day weekend we traveled to PA to visit Damian's family. Here are pictures from our trip to an amusement park on Saturday. Aidan had a blast, and Ella was a little trooper!