Thursday, May 21, 2009


Aidan is a busy little guy! He is involved in soccer on the weekend and goes to school each day during the week. These pictures are from last week during a school Mother's day performance and his soccer on Saturday. He is an active little guy!

5 weeks old

Here are the promised pictures (last week - time flies) of Ella. These pictures have been taken over the last week. Happy 5 week birthday Ella!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Happy one month birthday, Ella!

It's hard to believe that Ella is one month old today, and at times it seems like she's been part of our lives for so much longer than that! She is such a pleasant baby, and is learning to sleep better at night, play with her big brother (or should I say tolerate), and take in the world around her. Pictures will come later today...

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Still loving my little sister!

Aidan is adjusting to Isabella just fine! He loves his new little sister and especially enjoys holding her (with help) and giving her lots of kisses!