Monday, December 21, 2009

Our first big snow of the season came this past weekend dumping 20 inches on Maryland! Aidan and Damian enjoyed playing in the snow, while Isabella and I stayed in the house for 2 days making baby food and cookies. We also had lots of family bonding time and played with lots of toys and games. What a wonderful winter wonderland!
Aidan in the "Batcave"

Aidan and Isabella cuddling

Damian pulling Aidan in our backyard

Trying to walk through the snow was hard work!

Isabella dressed for the snow, but staying in the house.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Thanksgiving Weekend

Aidan and Mommy
Isabella and Mommy
Do you notice Isabella's first tooth in the picture?

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We hosted dinner here with Aunt Aly, Uncle Tommy, Nana and Grandpa. We really enjoyed having them here! The pictures above are from our first "holiday" event - on Saturday night we went to the Rio for a tree lighting ceremony and visit with Santa. There was also a lot of singing, dancing and holiday fun! We are so looking forward to lots of holiday fun this season!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Aidan and Sabrina

Isabella Bug

Isabella and Aidan

Our little ladybug

Here are some of the highlights from last night. We went trick or treating with Aidan's friend, Sabrina, after a little neighborhood party. Isabella was a trooper and is looking forward to joining in the fun next year!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Isabella 6 Month Stats

It is so hard to believe that Isabella is 6 months old! Below you will see that she is growing away!

16 lbs 4 oz (50%)

26 1/4 inches(60)%

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Summers Farm

Aidan measuring how tall he is - over 3 1/2 feet!

Aidan and Mommy going through the corn maze.

Aidan playing in the corn.

Aidan and Mommy doing the ducky races.

Isabella wasn't too sure at first!

We spent Monday at Summers Farm. While we were there, we enjoyed the animals, a corn maze and lots of other fun fall activities. It was a great day!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Soccer Star

The fall soccer season started this Sunday. Here's our little soccer star,
all ready for a great season!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

End of the Summer...Beginning of the School Year

Aidan's first day of school at Jefferson Montessori
Aidan and Alphonzo, Aidan's swim instructor
Isabella's first hike
Laughing Isabella
Aidan and Sabrina at the pool
The family
Isabella all dressed up
Our summer has come to an end, and the new school year has started. We enjoyed swimming, hiking and spending time with family during the last few weeks of summer. Isabella is laughing and happy as can be. Aidan started his new school and loves it. Tonight he decided to recite the "Pledge of Allegiance" and then told us that's what he's learned so far at school. He also started soccer today for the fall. We are looking forward to a fabulous fall!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Isabella - 4 months stats

Isabella went for her 4 month appointment at the pediatrician yesterday (she turned 4 months on the 15th of August). She is doing great! She is laughing, sitting up with help, and rolling around. Here are her stats:

  • Height - 24 1/2 (55%)
  • Weight - 14-7 (75%)
  • Head - 16 1/4 (70%)

Monday, August 3, 2009

Isabella - 3 months and growing!

Aidan and Isabella
Isabella and her little tongue
Pretty pleasant little girl

Isabella is growing too fast for us all! Over the past few weeks, she had become quite the social butterfly. She loves to smile, laugh, coo, and stick out her tongue. Her favorite person to gossip with is her big brother, Aidan.

And last by certainly not least...Aunt Aly's wedding!!

The happy couple after the reception at the Bob Dylan concert (everyone at the wedding was able to attend - lots of fun!).
Aly and Tommy's first dance
The handsome ring bearer!
Aunt Aly with the youngest guest.
The whole family

Last weekend, my sister, Alyson, got married in VA beach. We spent tons of time with her prior to the big day and then enjoyed celebrating with her and her husband, Tommy. What a special day!

The month continues with a big weekend at Penn State!

We went to PSU for two special events - Luke's baptism and Garrett's birthday. Damian's college roommate, Jason, was kind enough to include us in their special weekend. We had a great time!

Aidan and Garrett going for a ride.
The family
Like father like son...

Check out these beach bums!

What a month!

Out on the town with Alexis and Dave at Awful Arthur's.
The family in matching family beach week tees.
Action shot of the Brant boys!
Bathing Beauty!

Our month started with a visit to the Outer Banks. Aidan was able to go for the entire week with the rest of my family, and we joined him at the end of the week. On our way home we extended our trip in VA Beach with my sister and her fiance, Tommy.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

A weekend with lots of firsts!

The family at the game

Crazy Aidan

Rolling Isabella

Last weekend (I know...a week later...but it was a busy week!) we went to Isabella's first baseball game. On Saturday night we went to see the local minor league team, the Frederick Keys. We all had a ball at the game! Also on Saturday, we took our first trip to the pool for the season. Isabella just stayed in her seat, but Aidan had a blast swimming and playing in the pool. On Sunday, little Isabella rolled over for the first time! We keep telling her that she is still a little baby, but she seems to think differently!