Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Newest Brant is a...

Little Girl! And she is growing just perfectly!


Last weekend, Damian graduated with a master's degree in Nursing Anesthesia from the University of Maryland. His commitment and dedication to learning for the past 28 months will really make a difference to his patients! We are so proud of him!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Playing in the Snow

As we got closer to our Thanksgiving destination in PA, we found more and more snow. These pictures are of Aidan playing in the snow. He had a blast being pulled around on the sled, sledding down the hill by himself, and feeding Kooper snowballs. We can't wait to get our first snow of the season in MD and have the sled waiting!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Newest Addition

Our newest addition will arrive at the end of April. From the pictures, you can see that the baby is growing well. It is amazing that I am just about 16 weeks and everything is as developed as it is. I started to feel the baby move this week and one of the pictures shows little Brant trying to do some thumb sucking! Aidan kisses the baby every night and tells it to keep growing and that he loves it. This is an awesome experience for us all!

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Here is our dragon from Halloween! He was really excited by the entire event - which lasted about two weeks at our house. His line from the evening was "trick or treat...grr..." We had a great time with our scary dragon!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Sunset at Keuka Lake, NY


Relaxing at Lake Pointe Inn
Deep Creek, MD

Our Summer Getaway

This summer we spent our vacation time at Keuka Lake, NY and Deep Creek Lake, MD.